Society of Guna

Guna is a developing city located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Just like other parts of Madhya Pradesh here also one could find numerous charitable society and welfare organizations. These organizations are working constantly towards the socio-economic development of the deprived sections of the society. Guna is home to many NGOs and welfare organization working relentlessly in the field of child education, poverty reduction and healthcare services.

Charitable Societies in Guna

There are many NGOs playing an important role in helping the backward society of Guna. One such notable organization is the Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust. GAIL India LTD., a successful public sector with Ratna Nidhi Charitable Trust from time to time conducts program for physically challenged people. They provide hearing aids to the deaf.

Society in Guna

They aim to boost the confidence of these people. They work with an objective of making the whole of Guna free from disability and instill confidence so that they can live with self respect and dignity. Another project was also conducted in Raghogarh block in the district of Guna by distributing appliances to the physically challenged people by bringing them to mainstream of the society. A number of volunteers from GAIL distributed hearing aids, wheel-chairs and tricycles to the physically challenged people of Guna.

Rural Development Societies of Guna

Since the city of Guna is still a small place filled with rural population making their livelihood through agriculture, a lot of rural development welfare societies help to boost agro-services and to implement modern agriculture techniques. One such organization is ASSEFA (Association for Sarva Seva Farms) Project. It basically aims at promoting people involvement in all rural developmental activities and developing their capacity to manage the village economy and social system.The Sarva Seva Farm Guna Project was started in the year 1984 in Fatehgarh in the district of Guna. The project focusses on helping the downtrodden people of Guna. This project creates awareness among the people about their mental, economic and social status. Another rural development organization is ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist). The volunteers create community mobilization through inter-personal communication. They act as agents for behavior change under the guidance of UNICEF.

Educational Welfare Societies in Guna

Welfare Societies in GunaThere is a non-profit governmental organization called Shivangi Education and Rural Development Society which educates the villagers on the importance of hygiene, sending girls to school, HIV/AIDS etc. Further they also provide free of cost education to underprivileged children. It has made a considerable difference in the rural population of Guna. Pragati Manav Seva Sansthan is an NGO which aims at education for all. Pragati Manav Seva Sansthan aims at creating a world with a society of citizens exercising their rights with equality, having social justice and becoming self-reliant. The NGO promotes awareness on educating the youth and create employment for the rural youth. They also create programs and policies to develop their educational skills. They concentrate on the youth of the rural areas by channelizing the positive energy for the welfare of the society.

Old Age Homes in Guna

There are a few old age homes in Guna though not as common as we see it in well developed cities. The old age homes in Guna have basic facilities offered to the senior citizens. Old age homes cater to the needs of the aged people right from housing, food, security, medical facilities etc. Some old age homes ask a nominal fee while others work on charity basis. They are basically equipped with facilities to face any emergency.

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