The local unit of governance in the rural area of the district of Guna is the village panchayat. The local unit of governance in the urban area of the Guna district is the Nagar Palikas. The administrative headquarters of the District of Guna is headed by the Collector and District Magistrate. The District Collector supervises the general administration, revenue, law and order of the entire district. Assistance is provided to the District Collector by the Additional District Magistrate and Sub-Divisional Magistrates. The Superintendent of Police leads the Police Department and functions in maintaining law and order with the support of the district administration.
Zila Panchayat of Guna
The rural area of Guna is headed by the Zila Panchayat and it aims at various welfare schemes. The welfare schemes are aimed at district development plans, family welfare plans, welfare of destitute women, child welfare, youth welfare and social forestry. The proposed schemes are as follows :- The National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)
- Water Shade
- Indira Awas Yojana
- Backwared Region Grant Fund (BRGF)
- Mukhyamantri Awas Yojana
- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM)
Guna Nagar Palika Parishad
The city of Guna is administered by the Guna Nagar Palika Parishad also known as the Guna Municipal Corporation. The services rendered by the corporation are benefited by the urban population of Guna. The services of the corporation are as follows:- Issuing Birth Certificate
- Issuing Death Certificate
- Issuing application form for ration card
- Issuing marriage certificate
- Responsible for property tax and registration
- Issuing application forms for pension
- Responsible for developmental work
- Responsible for collecting market rent
- Responsible for granting building permission
Municipal Council Guna [M.P.]
Hanuman Choraha, Hat Road Guna
PIN CODE :- 473001
Office Number: - 07542- 252199, 252622, 251122
Office Working Time :- 10:30 To 5:30
E-mail: [email protected]
Website Url: https://www.nagarpalikaguna.com
Civic Administration of Guna
The district collector heads the administrative headquarters of the district of Guna. The next ranking in the district administration setup is the Deputy Colector who assists the collector in the administration of the district. The collector is responsible for administration of the district, handling revenue, law and order of the district with the help of the police department. The additional district magistrate and sub-divisional magistrate help the collector and the district magistrate in their roles and responsibilities.
Collectorate Campus
Distt. - Guna 473001
Phone office: 07542- 255626
Phone resi: 07542- 255727
FAX: 07542- 255408
Email: dmguna[at]nic[dot]in
Website: https://guna.nic.in/
Police Department of Guna
The Police Department of Guna plays a vital role in maintaining law and order and functions smoothly with the help of the district administration. The Police Department of Guna is headed by the Superintendent of Police who is mainly responsible for the maintenance of law and order in the city and the adjoining areas.Superintendent of Police, Guna
Contact Number: 07542-256300
National Informatics Center (NIC) of Guna
The NIC District Center at Guna was established in the year 1988. The NIC District Center is located in the Zila Panchayat Building in the collectorate campus. The NIC plays an important role in the district administration. The District Informatics Officer (DIO) and District Informatics Associate (DIA) are posted by NIC to help in district administration. For proper and smooth functioning of district administration, there should be coordination among the NIC officials and district officials.The roles and responsibilities of NIC, Guna is as follows:
- Providing network support
- Responsible for promotion of information technology
- Implementing National and state level software projects
- Providing technical support to various government departments
- Providing videoconferencing services to various government departments
- Providing E-mail and Internet services to various government departments
- Lastly, developing decision support system and MIS for the district administration
Contact Number: 07542 – 254419